King James Bible
2 - Large boxes of tissue
1 - Box of anti-bacterial wipes
Book bag
Pencil box
2 - Folders with pockets
2 - Glue sticks
2 - Packs of pencils
2 - Bags of individually wrapped candy
Extra change of clothes to be kept in book bag at all times.
King James Bible
Book bag
2 - Packs of wide-ruled paper
2- Packs of #2 Ticonderoga Yellow Pencils (no plastic covered novelty pencils or mechanical pencils)
3 - Large pink erasers
1 - Pack pencil cap erasers
2- Folders (no prongs needed)
1 - Steno Pad
Glue sticks
Pencil box / pouch
Ruler (with English & Metric Measures)
2 - Boxes of crayons
Black Expo Thin Dry Erase Markers
2 - Boxes of tissues
Individually wrapped candy
Antibacterial wipes
1 - Box of bandaids
King James Bible
Ruler (with English & Metric measures)
Crayons and Colored pencils
Small pencil box or pencil bag
Wide-ruled filler paper (no college-ruled or spiral-bound paper)
2 - Folders with pockets
1 - Box of tissues
1 - Box of wipes
King James Version Bible (only)
Pencils and Erasers (Mechanical pencils are fine.)
Wide-ruled filler paper (No college-ruled or spiral-bound paper)
Small notebook for homework assignments
Small covered pencil sharpener
12-inch ruler (with English and Metric measures)
Small pencil bag/box
Book bag (must fit in locker)
2 - Folders with pockets (for seatwork and homework)
2 - Highlighters
Crayons or colored pencils
1 - Pack of baby wipes
2 - Boxes of anti-bacterial wipes
1 - Large box of Kleenex for classroom use
2 - Bags of individually wrapped candy (OPTIONAL but appreciated—NO GUM please)
***Needed supplies for our Science Notebook will be given when the project is assigned.
Please check with your child weekly to make sure he/she has the needed supplies.
King James Bible
Glue sticks
3 - Folders with pockets (no 3-ring binders)
Wide-ruled filler paper (no college-ruled or spiral-bound paper)
Steno pad
1-Pack of #2 pencils or mechanical pencils
Pens (2 black/2 red)
Ruler (with English & Metric measures)
Crayons / colored pencils
2 - Large boxes of tissues
1 - Pack of disinfectant wipes (no baby wipes)
1 - Three Ring Binder (1 or 1.5 in.) for NC Notebook
50 (at least) - page protectors for NC Notebook
Individually wrapped candy (not mandatory, but greatly appreciated)
King James Bible (preferably one to be left at school)
Pencils and erasers
Pens (blue or black only)
Red checking pen
Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
Small pencil BOX for art supplies
Pencil/pen BAG to be kept in binder
Wide-ruled filler paper (no college-ruled or spiral-bound paper)
3 - Folders with pockets only (no prongs) for daily use (homework / review sheets / etc.)
2 - Presentation View, three-ring binders (½ inch) with pockets for research papers
3 - Large boxes of tissues
2 - Packs of Clorox or disinfectant wipes
Binder (1" three-ring) with pockets to hold paper, folders [Trapper Keeper is a great one)
Ruler – Victor Easy Read Ruler (EZ12SBL) stainless or (EZ12PBL) Plastic
Library Card for research paper (current and with no fines)
3 x 5 and 4 x 6 Index Cards
American Heritage 4th Edition Dictionary: This dictionary can be purchased through or Walmart.
Composition Notebook for Homework assignments
*Students need to be continually stocked with these items throughout the year. Please check on this every report card period. Thank you!
King James Bible
3-ring binder
Notebook paper (not spiral)
Pens (blue or black ink only)
Pencils and erasers
Assignment pad
Ruler (grades 6-8)
Box of tissues (for homeroom teacher)
Calculator (grades 9-12)
Dictionary (for home use)
Thesaurus (for home use)
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