Craig came to Tabernacle Christian School in 1977 as a high school senior. He was saved on March 3, 1978, during his only year as a TCS student. After high school Craig joined Electrolux (now known as Aerus Electrolux) in 1980 and has been with the company ever since. He started out as a salesman, later became a store manager, and by 2004 he bought his first franchise in Concord, NC. He now owns two franchises and two outlet stores in Concord, Hickory, Albemarle, and Salisbury. With the Lord’s help, Craig has received many awards and recognitions from Electrolux over the years for which he feels truly blessed. Not only has this been an added blessing for him and his family, but it has also helped keep him highly motivated as a salesman.
Chandler MoonCraig married his wife, Brenda, in November of 1980. The Lord has blessed them with four girls (Ashley, Heather, Jordan, and Allie), two sons-in-law (Jay Moon and Adam Roof), and three grandchildren (Chandler Moon, Kolten Roof and Molly Moon). Craig and Brenda’s first grandson, Chandler (pictured to the right), was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 1 at the age of four months and went to be with the Lord at just six and a half months old. Craig states, “But God is great, and He blessed them with another child—beautiful Molly.”
Not only is Craig proud of his daughters and grandchildren, but he is also proud of his two sons-in-law. Ashley married Jay Moon who is a Blackhawk pilot in the Army National Guard. Heather married Adam Roof who is a military firefighter in the Air Force National Guard. Both men have served a tour in Iraq.
When speaking of his family, Craig says, “I thank God for my family and feel blessed beyond measure that I'll get to share Heaven with all of them one day. I pray that as my grandchildren get older, they too will accept Christ in their lives. I thank God for His grace, mercy, and faithfulness in my life.”
When asked about his time at TCS Craig states, “Tabernacle Christian made a great impact on my Christian life. I have great respect for Brother Bobby, the teachers, and the assistants.” Craig still sees many of his former classmates as he attends church with several of them at Grace Baptist Church in Monroe where he teaches the Senior Adults Class, teaches Children’s Church once a month, and helps with the music.
** The class of 1978 was the very first graduating class of TCS. There were 3 young ladies and 2 young men that graduated.