Sarah Mangum Goetsch

Jodi Tarlton - Class of 2010

Jodi Tarlton came to Tabernacle Christian School of Monroe at the beginning of her 10th grade year. She quickly became known for her devotion to Jesus Christ. When reflecting on Jodi, Mrs. Boulton says, “In my many years as an educator, I have met few students who can rival her with respect and nobility of character and personal integrity.”

Jodi graduated from Tabernacle in 2010 as the Salutatorian and maintained an “A” average throughout her high school years. She just completed her second year at SPCC with a GPA of 3.76 and will be transferring to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, this fall where she hopes to obtain her Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Jodi has a passion for missions. She has been spent her summers on various mission fields since 2006. She just returned from her second trip to Africa. These trips have deeply affected her heart towards medical missions. Jodi states, “I would love to do some mission work in other countries as a nurse. There is a great need for medical teams in third world countries. Working alongside of other Christian doctors and nurses who have a passion to reach the physically and spiritually sick would be an awesome opportunity and honor for me.”

Jodi has dreams of someday adopting children from a third world country. She so admires people who open their homes to children from these poverty stricken countries. She feels that adoption is such an awesome opportunity for Christians because they are able to directly impact the lives of the less fortunate. If the Lord allows, she would love to take orphans and give them a new home here in America.

Jodi loves going on mission trips. They have given her a desire to do more for the people. She does not want to just give the people a hand out but rather give them a hand up. This is what her mission team did in Malawi this year. They trained Malawian volunteers how to effectively reach their children with the gospel of Christ using CEF material. They did not just give them the material and leave, but taught them how to use it.

The best memory she has from this past trip to Malawi is the time she spent with the children. On two different nights she had the opportunity to go out to a village and show the villagers a movie. The movie was called The Jesus Film and was projected in their language. This was the first movie they had ever watched since they had never even seen a TV. The people were able to learn about the life of Christ by watching this film. Jodi says, “It was incredible to see how much they connected with Jesus in the film and how much they grew to love Him. They moaned when He was crucified and clapped when He came back to life. Many accepted Jesus because of the Jesus film. Praise the Lord!”

Reflecting upon her years at TCS, Jodi comments, “Tabernacle has impacted my life in more ways than one. I left Tabernacle with standards that I did not have when I came there. A few weeks ago my pastor preached on standards and morals. He stated that we needed to have standards so that when others look at us they can see a clear difference between the world and us. I couldn’t help but think of Tabernacle when he was preaching. Tabernacle not only set a standard but also instilled this standard in the hearts of many young people. Thankfully, I am a product of standards set by leaders at Tabernacle. I am confident that God led me to this school so that I would start my life on a firm foundation.”
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