(5/21/2012)Paula and Donnavee Boulton graduated from Wingate University in May 2011. At graduation each twin received the prestigious H.K. Helms Award for students graduating with a perfect 4.0 average. Paula and Donnavee both were inducted into numerous national academic and character based honor societies during their time as Wingate students including Phi Eta Sigma, an honor society for freshman with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, Sigma Tau Delta, an honorary English society, and Alphi Chi, which recognizes only the top 10 percent of university students. Paula and Donnavee made President’s list every semester during their four years as students at Wingate. In addition, they received the University’s literary award and served two years as Counterpoint Magazine’s literary editors. During the summer of their junior year, both girls were selected to be student researchers for which they each received a stipend of $2,500. Their respective research papers were published in the Wingate Research Review. Both Paula and Donnavee had the dream of returning to their high school Alma Mater as teachers, a dream that was realized when they joined the TCS staff as K-5 teachers this year. Next year both girls will return to Tabernacle Christian School. Donnavee will remain as the K-5 teacher and will also teach two afternoon classes in the high school. Paula will teach middle and high school history, reading, and literature.